B1Z Capitalizes on Central Florida Real Estate Market with Successful Exit
B1Z achieved a successful exit in mid-May from a single-family property in central Florida. Completed on time and sold above the projected price, this project underscores the eectiveness of B1Z’s rapid development strategy in the region. The investment generated a noteworthy 27.74% ROI and 51.71% IRR after closing costs.
This accomplishment can be attributed to several key factors: strategic location selection based on thorough economic and demographic analysis, diligent Financial and physical oversight throughout the development process, and effective marketing efforts.
“Our close collaboration with construction partners and seamless communication throughout the project have proven essential,” stated Juan Arvelo, Head of Asset Management. “We are confident in our ability to expand our operations and see this recent exit as a pivotal step in our fund’s growth trajectory
Expanding Development Eorts in Central Florida
Building on this success, B1Z is actively scaling its development operations in central Florida. The company plans to leverage clustering opportunities to develop multiple properties concurrently, maintaining its focus on rapid development while carefully monitoring market conditions to manage risk and optimize investment exposure.